Berlin’s forgotten history

A few months ago, I received a phone call from a journalist looking for Nici Brückner and her mother, Susanne Brückner, who left Germany in the ’80s and now lives in Australia.
What a strange call, I thought, but I revealed my identity anyway. To his delight, he had found who he was looking for, and my curiosity took the better of me, and we agreed to meet for an interview in a few days. This very friendly Journalist turned out to be Andreas Ulrich, who has been working with rbb for many years. He decided to write a book about  Torestraße 94.
Torstraße 94, formerly known as Wilhelm Pieck straße in the former GDR, was the house Andreas Ulrich and I lived in at different times in our childhood.
His stories about past residents include a bank robber, an Agent and a supermodel. With his often tragic and unique life stories, Andreas captivates the readers and brings back a tiny part of Berlin’s forgotten history. To date, the book has only been published in German.

Torstrasse 94 captures a little bit of my life in early 1970 in Berlin Mitte.
From a three years old child to a supermodel in Australia in the ’90s (these were not my words), to returning home after 29 years abroad- but is it home??? Ask me again in a few years.

-Torestrasse 94-

Ein Bankräuber, ein Model, eine Agentin und ein Parteisekretär – sie alle waren Nachbarn von rbb-Moderator Andreas Ulrich und seiner Familie in der Torstraße 94 in Berlin-Mitte. In diesem Haus ist er aufgewachsen. In seinem Buch “Torstraße 94” erinnert Ulrich an das Haus und seine Bewohner und schreibt damit ein Stück Berliner Stadtgeschichte.